Get ready to see THE coolest dollhouse ever made! Created by three Stanford students, the awesome toy, called "Roominate," is part of a project to get more girls interested in science and technology.
Alice Brooks, Jennifer Kessler and Bettina Chen, who all have or are working toward graduate degrees in different forms of engineering, noticed a disproportionately small amount of females in their college science and math classes. When they discussed it, they realized that their scientific interests stemmed largely from their childhood–so they decided to start there!
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Enter "Roominate," a stackable dollhouse that allows girls to "design, build, wire and decorate her own unique interactive room." After initially creating the prototype, Brooks, Kessler, and Chen put their project on Kickstart to raise more funds for the project. Though their original goal was to raise $25,000, they've already raised nearly $86,000. Now, the women are looking to invest money to make improvements to their toy.
"We build toys to inspire the next generation of female technology innovators," the girls wrote in a blog post for Huffington Post.
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I personally find this project amazing, fascinating and kind of genius. I mean, what a useful and unique way to promote science and technology to young girls! I don't think there's any better way to create interest in certain subjects than by making them fun and enjoyable for kids. As a child, I was never that into science myself but I definitely think I would have been if a toy like this had existed then. Actually, this particular toy looks so cool, I wouldn't even mind trying it now as an adult!
Watch to see how it works!
What do you think of the toy? Would you buy it for your daughter? Tell us in the comments below!
Image via Kickstarter