5-yr-old die-hard Kansas State fan hilariously refuses to color rival school’s mascot

Kindergarten sure is tough these days. 5-year-old Emma Burton proved that when she got reprimanded in class after refusing to color in a picture of a Jayhawk. Why? Apparently, the Jayhawk is the mascot for Kansas University–a rival of both her parent's alma mater Kansas State.

When her mom, Julie Burton, came to pick her up, the young girl was being taken out of the class by her teacher for having a complete meltdown. According to the teacher, the incident went down like this.

__"__Emma would not color this Jayhawk today with the rest of her class. She told me she does not like KU and her family likes K-State. She asked me for a K-State picture instead but I told her this was her only option. She took the paper, crumpled it up, and threw in the trash can."

So how did Burton's react to her daughter's act of pride? The way only a super cool mom would– with laughter! She said she was proud that Emma fought for her school and didn't back down, but that her daughter could've handled the whole situation better. So instead of punishment, mother and daughter came to a compromise: Emma had to color in the Jayhawk but she was allowed to turn in a picture of the Powercat, the mascot for K-State, along with the apology note above. 

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How amazingly hysterical is that? And the fun didn't stop there! Apparently, Emma's defiance wasn't quite finished. When she received the assignment of the Jayhawk back, she promptly threw it in the trash. Jeez, I thought I was stubborn! Seriously though, I hope my kid is like this. I love her spunk! Absolutely no one is going to be able to push her around when she gets older.

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Plus, her school pride didn't go unnoticed – she was recently honored during a Kansas State game as the school's fan of the game, and as a joke, the Kansas State president reportedly wrote her a letter offering her a scholarship for 2025! Look out everybody—Emma Burton's definitely going to take the world by storm someday.

Watch her at the K-State game:

Embedded content: http://youtu.be/YQYwZAQDsck

What do you think of the family's compromise? Do you agree with or would you have punished your daughter?

Image via Yahoo