Yay! I guess enough people were mad about the Susan G. Komen foundation's recent decision to revoke funding from Planned Parenthood that the outcry had an impact.
Today, Nancy G. Brinker, founder and CEO of the foundation apologized for her organizations misguided attempt to cut off funding for the women's health non-profit and released a statement that read:
Our only goal for our granting process is to support women and families in the fight against breast cancer. Amending our criteria will ensure that politics has no place in our grant process. We will continue to fund existing grants, including those of Planned Parenthood…
This is a huge victory for women all across the United States, but even more so for Latinas.
"This decision will undoubtedly save lives, as Komen funds to Planned Parenthood health centers provide breast cancer screenings to women who have no other health care options," said National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health executive director Jessica González- Rojas. "We celebrate this just decision and the preventative care that it will provide to Latinas across the country."
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Latinas are 20 percent more likely to die from breast cancer when compared to non-Hispanic white women, and nearly 40 percent of us do not have health insurance. This means that the preventative services provided by Planned Parenthood are incredibly crucial for our communities.
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"What these past few days have demonstrated is the deep resolve all Americans share in the fight against cancer, and we honor those who are at the helm of this battle," Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said. "During the last week, millions spontaneously joined a national conversation about lifesaving breast cancer prevention care and reinforced shared values about access to health care for all. This compassionate outcry in support of those most in need rose above political, ideological, and cultural divides, and will surely be recognized as one of our nation's better moments during a contentious political time."
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This makes me so happy and proves a very important point about the power of public opinion. Although Brinker is claiming that the original decision was not political–though Congressional Republicans have been attacking Planned Parenthood non-stop over the last year–many thought that the foundation had been swayed by conservatives to pull its funding. It's a relief to know that for once, playing politics with women's health is not an option! Now if only Congress would stop playing politics with our health and well-being…that would be a change I could believe in.
Image via Natalie Maynor/Flickr